I was feeling guilty for buying a new dovetail saw at the recent Woodworking in America event (in Cincinnati, Ohio) until I discussed the use of a tool with one of my students.  I explained the proper use for a screwdriver was for driving screws – not prying or scraping.  While prying with a screwdriver the tip will usually get broken or bent.  This is because the manufacturer designed this tool for a specific purpose – driving screws.  This is called “manner of function”.  It is not designed to pry or scrap.  It is common for individuals to use tools for tasks other than their intended design.  This behavior shows a lack of respect for the tool.  To me there is nothing greater than having the right tool to do the right job and nothing worse than having the wrong tool to do the wrong job.  After this discussion, I suddenly felt good about buying a new dovetail saw!  After all – there is nothing better than having the right tool to do the right job – no matter how much a new dovetail saw costs!

Enjoy your shop time!
